The first ones are a few months old.
My parents, Jens and Uncle Rog. Easter. |
George and his girlfriend Elke had just got off the ski slopes when I took this picture. |
Track lighting in my basement which my Dad helped me put up. |
George's pictures from Kosovo
"For those of you who haven't heard, I've been in Kosovo almost a month now with my platoon of 30 infantry soldiers. We patrol a town that looks about 100 years old (nothing looks newer!) where the serbs and albanians really don't get along. It gets pretty boring patrolling every day, and with summer months coming it'll get really hot."
"...me playing fooseball with some Serbians and my radio guy." |
"...my radio guy posing for a set-up picture." |
"...me and [one] of [the] three interpreters with the Serbian school principal." |
"...me with an Albanian boy with big ears. He speaks english well and we use him for intelligence sometimes." |
"...a car/cart made out of a roto-tiller. There are many home made variations, but I figured a picture of one is the only way to explain this common Kosovo phenomenon. :)" |
"...me learning some construction" |
"These pics are of some abandoned Serb houses in an Albanian village. Let's just say they aren't welcome back. :) It's easy to see when you see the houses." |
"Here is our range... we had to work with sheep herders, goats, and cows. They wanted food to move, so I loaded a magazine and started firing. They moved pretty quickly after that. I'm not kidding." |
"Here is our range... we had to work with sheep herders, goats, and cows. They wanted food to move, so I loaded a magazine and started firing. They moved pretty quickly after that. I'm not kidding." |
"Of course, we get bored here too! Here's a picture of us clearing a porta-potty military style." |
Mud Volleyball Tournament
July 6, 2002
Just after arrival, the volleyball team looks lively and intent. |
Later on, things started to loosen up a little... |
Josh, Jen and Angie. |
Robin laughing....probably at Shannon. |
Courtney: "So what's up with all this hot weather?" |
Very Tan Dude: "You know that part in Rambo III where he gets that arrow shot through his side right here and he just breaks it off and keeps going?" |
What starts out innocent enough... |
...quickly turns into something strange... |
...what can I say?... |
I think you guys have lost it. |
Tired, hot and muddy. |
Old Pictures